To cultivate a world safe for difference, we support strategies to:
- Promote awareness and understanding of shared society principles, policies and practices to international, national, and local leaders and institutions.
- Foster collaborative efforts of shared society advocates and others whose work advances inter-group relations.
- Professionalize and build capacity of individual and collective effectiveness of practitioners in the field of shared society.

To ensure Israel is a tolerant, equitable and democratic Jewish state, we support strategies to:
- Foster personal, structural and institutional capacity for shared citizenship and “we-ness,” based on mutual understanding, tolerance and an understanding of the unique nature of Israel. Our two primary concerns are: Jewish-Arab relations within Israel, and respect for Israel’s Jewish diversity.
- Promote equality of opportunity for all citizens of the State.
- Raise awareness among American Jews of the benefits of shared society in Israel, enrich the Diaspora’s understanding of the complexity of Israel’s Jewish and democratic nature, and encourage its support for efforts to create a more tolerant Israeli culture.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
– Rumi